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On these pages you will be able to see how the curriculum is designed for each subject and in each year group. We hope you will also begin to get a flavour of the learning that happens in our school.

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At St. Thomas More, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which is carefully designed and sequenced to ensure children develop both their knowledge and skills. Each subject area includes a focus on knowledge development, skills progression and revisits key skills and knowledge to enable children’s learning to build on prior knowledge. All subjects utilise and promote the pedagogical model, research and practice stated in the Teaching and Learning policy.

At St. Thomas More, we base our teaching and learning on highly regarded educational principles, such as Rosenshine’s Principles of Direct Instruction. These principles are founded in cognitive, scientific and pedagogical research and each element underpins our vision for outstanding teaching.

If you would like to find out more about the curriculum, you can find the subject policies on the subject page of the website. For more information about how we deliver the curriculum in individual lessons, look at the Teaching and Learning Policy. Alternatively, please contact your child’s class teacher or the subject leader. You can do this by emailing